Academic Appointments
2023-Present Assistant Professor of Biological Anthropology: University of Delaware
2022-2023 Interim Director of the Office of Undergraduate Research: California State University Dominguez Hills
2021-2023. Associate Professor of Biological Anthropology: California State University Dominguez Hills
2017-2021 Assistant Professor of Biological Anthropology: California State University Dominguez Hills
2014-2017 Assistant Professor of Biological Anthropology: University of Missouri-St. Louis, Department of
Anthropology and Archaeology
2015-2018 Honorary Research Fellow: Durham University, Department of Archaeology
2014 Visiting Postdoctoral Research Associate: Durham University, Department of Archaeology
2008-2014 Graduate Student & Adjunct Instructor: Washington University, Department of Anthropology
2022-2023 Interim Director of the Office of Undergraduate Research: California State University Dominguez Hills
2021-2023. Associate Professor of Biological Anthropology: California State University Dominguez Hills
2017-2021 Assistant Professor of Biological Anthropology: California State University Dominguez Hills
2014-2017 Assistant Professor of Biological Anthropology: University of Missouri-St. Louis, Department of
Anthropology and Archaeology
2015-2018 Honorary Research Fellow: Durham University, Department of Archaeology
2014 Visiting Postdoctoral Research Associate: Durham University, Department of Archaeology
2008-2014 Graduate Student & Adjunct Instructor: Washington University, Department of Anthropology
2008-2014 Washington University in Saint Louis
AM in Biological Anthropology, May 2010
PhD in Biological Anthropology, May 2014 (Defense held Feb 3rd)
2004-2008 Tulane University
BS in Anthropology cum laude earned in May 2008, minors in Economics and German Language
AM in Biological Anthropology, May 2010
PhD in Biological Anthropology, May 2014 (Defense held Feb 3rd)
2004-2008 Tulane University
BS in Anthropology cum laude earned in May 2008, minors in Economics and German Language
2015 LVR-LandesMuseum Bonn, Germany, non-competitive funding to cover my attendance at invited conference, 1200€
2014 The University of Durham, UK, Visiting Scholar Seedcorn Funding, £3330 with Profs. Charlotte Roberts and Paul Pettitt
2011 Leakey Foundation “Oral Health in Late Pleistocene Western Eurasian Humans” $12,000
2010 National Geographic Waitt Grant “Transitional Homo Project: Loiyangalani Summer 2011” $9,995
2014 The University of Durham, UK, Visiting Scholar Seedcorn Funding, £3330 with Profs. Charlotte Roberts and Paul Pettitt
2011 Leakey Foundation “Oral Health in Late Pleistocene Western Eurasian Humans” $12,000
2010 National Geographic Waitt Grant “Transitional Homo Project: Loiyangalani Summer 2011” $9,995
2017 Kate Chopin Defiance Award, faculty nomination, Gender Studies Program, UMSL
2015 Honorary Golden Key member, student nomination, UMSL
2014 International Studies and Programs Faculty Fellow, UMSL, academic year 2014-2015
2014 Earnest A Hooten Award for Best Student Poster, American Association for Physical Anthropologists
2013 Pollitzer Travel Essay Award, American Association of Physical Anthropologists
2013 2nd Place Poster for Social Sciences, Washington University Graduate Research Symposium
2011 Pollitzer Travel Essay Award, American Association of Physical Anthropologists
2009 Pollitzer Travel Essay Award, American Association of Physical Anthropologists
2008 Elizabeth S. Watts Award for Outstanding Achievement in Physical Anthropology, Tulane University
2008 Newcomb Scholar, Tulane University
2005 Campus Life Grant, Tulane University
2015 Honorary Golden Key member, student nomination, UMSL
2014 International Studies and Programs Faculty Fellow, UMSL, academic year 2014-2015
2014 Earnest A Hooten Award for Best Student Poster, American Association for Physical Anthropologists
2013 Pollitzer Travel Essay Award, American Association of Physical Anthropologists
2013 2nd Place Poster for Social Sciences, Washington University Graduate Research Symposium
2011 Pollitzer Travel Essay Award, American Association of Physical Anthropologists
2009 Pollitzer Travel Essay Award, American Association of Physical Anthropologists
2008 Elizabeth S. Watts Award for Outstanding Achievement in Physical Anthropology, Tulane University
2008 Newcomb Scholar, Tulane University
2005 Campus Life Grant, Tulane University
Professional Affiliations
American Association of Physical Anthropologists
PaleoAnthropology Society
Lambda Alpha- National Honor Society for Anthropology
Paleopathology Association
Dental Anthropology Association
British Association of Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology
Society for American Archaeology
PaleoAnthropology Society
Lambda Alpha- National Honor Society for Anthropology
Paleopathology Association
Dental Anthropology Association
British Association of Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology
Society for American Archaeology
Conference Presentations
2023 XXVI Symposium of the Macedonian Archaeological Society “Узун Мера – минато, сегашност и иднина за
Палеолитските истражувања во Источна Македонија: Uzun Mera – Past, Present and Future for Paleolithic
research in East Macedonia” with Darko Stojanovski, Trajce Nacev, and Alexander Danev, Oct 18th.
2023 CSUDH Faculty Research Symposium “The Middle Paleolithic of North Macedonia: The site of Uzun Mera and
beyond” In person podium presentation @ CSUDH, April 21.
2023 Paleoanthropology Association Meetings “The Middle Paleolithic of North Macedonia: The site of Uzun Mera and
beyond” with Darko Stojanovski and Tracje Nacev. In person podium March 27-28.
2022 American Association of Biological Anthropologists “(Wo)man the hunter: The Archaeological Evidence Ignored” with
Cara Ocobock. March 24th In person podium and online. Denver, CO.
2022 American Association of Biological Anthropologists “(Wo)man the hunter: The Physiological Evidence Ignored” with
Cara Ocobock. March 24th In person podium and online. Denver, CO.
2021 CSU Council of Archaeologists “Possibilities in Remote Archaeology: Alternative Methods During a Global Pandemic”
with Leslie Gomez (student). Online conference poster presentation on April 23rd, 2021
2020 Music and Entertainment Industry Educators Association “Music entrepreneurship and access to social and cultural
capital: your network is your net worth” with Dr. Hal Weary and Jennifer Brodmann. Recorded podium presentation on
Oct 1st, 2020 for online conference, moved online for CoVID-19 reasons
2020 American Association of Physical Anthropologists “Sweet tooth: Southwest Asian humans, diet and caries in the Middle
and Upper Paleolithic" in Invited Poster Symposium “Human evolution in Asia: Zooming in and zooming out”
Scheduled for April, moved online for CoVID-19 reasons
2020 American Association of Physical Anthropologists “Pre-Natufian Epipaleolithic evidence for dental ablation in southwest
Asia? Revisiting Ohalo II H2” Invited Poster with John C. Willman in Symposium ““Human evolution in Asia: Zooming in
and zooming out” Scheduled for April, moved online for CoVID-19 reasons
2019 American Association of Physical Anthropologists- “Neandertal oral health: new techniques and future directions” in
Invited Poster Symposium: From Pedestrian to Cerebral in the Pleistocene: A Symposium in Honor of Erik Trinkaus on
March 29th, Cleveland, Ohio
2018 Europeans Paleopathology Association- “Prevalence of hypercementosis in Middle and Upper Paleolithic Humans”
Podium Presentation on Aug 31st
2018 American Association of Physical Anthropologists- “Defining good health in the Paleolithic: Oral disease and a very
distant patient” in Invited Poster Symposium: Reevaluating the meaning of ‘oral health’ in bioarchaeology on April 13th
2017 Stressed Out Conference (Institute of Archaeology of University College London)- “Stressed out in the Stone Age:
Periodontal disease and dental enamel hypoplasia in the Paleolithic” Podium Presentation on May 19th
2017 American Association of Physical Anthropologists- “Evidence for subsistence shifts in the Late Upper Paleolithic of
Europe: Caries and antemortem tooth loss” in Invited Symposium: The Paleobiology of Upper Paleolithic / Later Stone
Age Humans
2016 Midwest Bioarchaeology and Forensic Anthropology Association- “(Necro)Politics in the Bioarchaeology Lab” Podium
presentation for Oct 22nd
2016 American Association of Physical Anthropologists- “Revisiting the Caries Hypothesis as a mechanism of tooth size
selection” With James Calgano, April 14th in Invited Symposium: Old Questions, New Approaches and New Solutions:
Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Dental Anthropology Association
2015 “The Dental Metrics, Morphology and Oral Paleopathology of Oberkassel 1 and 2”. Invited presented at “100 years of
the Bonn-Oberkassel double burial: New research on the Federmesser-Gruppen/Azilian” symposium, Bonn, Germany,
accepted for October 23, 2015
2015 “Testing for correlation amongst two periodontal disease diagnostic protocols” Paleopathology Association, St. Louis,
MO. accepted for March 25, 2015
2015 “Necropolitics and Bioarchaeology: Enduring Legacies and Ethical Responsibilities” co-presenter with Heidi Shaw and
Pamela Geller. American Association of Physical Anthropologists, St. Louis, MO, accepted for March 28, 2015
2015 “Can oral pathology avoidance explain human dental size reduction?” American Association of Physical
Anthropologists, St. Louis, MO, accepted for March 27, 2015
2015 “Using oral health indicators as evidence of environmental instability and subsistence shifts in the Late Paleolithic of
Western Eurasia” Society for American Archaeology, San Francisco, CA, accepted for April 16, 2015
2014 “Health and Old Age in the Late Pleistocene: Changes in oral pathological condition prevalence over time in older
Neandertal and modern human adults in Europe” British Association of Biological Anthropology and
Osteoarchaeology, Durham, UK. Sept 14, 2014
2014 American Association of Physical Anthropologists Meetings- "Periodontal disease and health in Western Eurasian
Late Pleistocene humans" Accepted Abstract
2014 Paleopathology Association Meetings- Poster "Dental caries in Neandertals and early modern humans in Western
Eurasia". Accepted Abstract
2013 American Association of Physical Anthropologist Meetings- Poster “Caries and other oral pathology in the Broken
Hill (Kabwe) cranium” 10.12853/POSTER.NESPOS.0035
2013 Washington University Graduate Research Symposium- Poster "Periodontal Disease and Oral Health in the Late
Pleistocene of Western Eurasia”
2011 Paleoanthropology Meetings- Poster “Dento-Alveolar Abnormalities of the Early Modern Humans from Zhirendong,
South China” 10.12853/POSTER.NESPOS.0036
2010 Paleoanthropology Meetings- Poster “Mosaic Morphology in the Mandible and Maxilla from Loiyangalani,
Southeastern Shore of Lake Turkana, Northern Kenya” 10.12853/POSTER.NESPOS.0037
Палеолитските истражувања во Источна Македонија: Uzun Mera – Past, Present and Future for Paleolithic
research in East Macedonia” with Darko Stojanovski, Trajce Nacev, and Alexander Danev, Oct 18th.
2023 CSUDH Faculty Research Symposium “The Middle Paleolithic of North Macedonia: The site of Uzun Mera and
beyond” In person podium presentation @ CSUDH, April 21.
2023 Paleoanthropology Association Meetings “The Middle Paleolithic of North Macedonia: The site of Uzun Mera and
beyond” with Darko Stojanovski and Tracje Nacev. In person podium March 27-28.
2022 American Association of Biological Anthropologists “(Wo)man the hunter: The Archaeological Evidence Ignored” with
Cara Ocobock. March 24th In person podium and online. Denver, CO.
2022 American Association of Biological Anthropologists “(Wo)man the hunter: The Physiological Evidence Ignored” with
Cara Ocobock. March 24th In person podium and online. Denver, CO.
2021 CSU Council of Archaeologists “Possibilities in Remote Archaeology: Alternative Methods During a Global Pandemic”
with Leslie Gomez (student). Online conference poster presentation on April 23rd, 2021
2020 Music and Entertainment Industry Educators Association “Music entrepreneurship and access to social and cultural
capital: your network is your net worth” with Dr. Hal Weary and Jennifer Brodmann. Recorded podium presentation on
Oct 1st, 2020 for online conference, moved online for CoVID-19 reasons
2020 American Association of Physical Anthropologists “Sweet tooth: Southwest Asian humans, diet and caries in the Middle
and Upper Paleolithic" in Invited Poster Symposium “Human evolution in Asia: Zooming in and zooming out”
Scheduled for April, moved online for CoVID-19 reasons
2020 American Association of Physical Anthropologists “Pre-Natufian Epipaleolithic evidence for dental ablation in southwest
Asia? Revisiting Ohalo II H2” Invited Poster with John C. Willman in Symposium ““Human evolution in Asia: Zooming in
and zooming out” Scheduled for April, moved online for CoVID-19 reasons
2019 American Association of Physical Anthropologists- “Neandertal oral health: new techniques and future directions” in
Invited Poster Symposium: From Pedestrian to Cerebral in the Pleistocene: A Symposium in Honor of Erik Trinkaus on
March 29th, Cleveland, Ohio
2018 Europeans Paleopathology Association- “Prevalence of hypercementosis in Middle and Upper Paleolithic Humans”
Podium Presentation on Aug 31st
2018 American Association of Physical Anthropologists- “Defining good health in the Paleolithic: Oral disease and a very
distant patient” in Invited Poster Symposium: Reevaluating the meaning of ‘oral health’ in bioarchaeology on April 13th
2017 Stressed Out Conference (Institute of Archaeology of University College London)- “Stressed out in the Stone Age:
Periodontal disease and dental enamel hypoplasia in the Paleolithic” Podium Presentation on May 19th
2017 American Association of Physical Anthropologists- “Evidence for subsistence shifts in the Late Upper Paleolithic of
Europe: Caries and antemortem tooth loss” in Invited Symposium: The Paleobiology of Upper Paleolithic / Later Stone
Age Humans
2016 Midwest Bioarchaeology and Forensic Anthropology Association- “(Necro)Politics in the Bioarchaeology Lab” Podium
presentation for Oct 22nd
2016 American Association of Physical Anthropologists- “Revisiting the Caries Hypothesis as a mechanism of tooth size
selection” With James Calgano, April 14th in Invited Symposium: Old Questions, New Approaches and New Solutions:
Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Dental Anthropology Association
2015 “The Dental Metrics, Morphology and Oral Paleopathology of Oberkassel 1 and 2”. Invited presented at “100 years of
the Bonn-Oberkassel double burial: New research on the Federmesser-Gruppen/Azilian” symposium, Bonn, Germany,
accepted for October 23, 2015
2015 “Testing for correlation amongst two periodontal disease diagnostic protocols” Paleopathology Association, St. Louis,
MO. accepted for March 25, 2015
2015 “Necropolitics and Bioarchaeology: Enduring Legacies and Ethical Responsibilities” co-presenter with Heidi Shaw and
Pamela Geller. American Association of Physical Anthropologists, St. Louis, MO, accepted for March 28, 2015
2015 “Can oral pathology avoidance explain human dental size reduction?” American Association of Physical
Anthropologists, St. Louis, MO, accepted for March 27, 2015
2015 “Using oral health indicators as evidence of environmental instability and subsistence shifts in the Late Paleolithic of
Western Eurasia” Society for American Archaeology, San Francisco, CA, accepted for April 16, 2015
2014 “Health and Old Age in the Late Pleistocene: Changes in oral pathological condition prevalence over time in older
Neandertal and modern human adults in Europe” British Association of Biological Anthropology and
Osteoarchaeology, Durham, UK. Sept 14, 2014
2014 American Association of Physical Anthropologists Meetings- "Periodontal disease and health in Western Eurasian
Late Pleistocene humans" Accepted Abstract
2014 Paleopathology Association Meetings- Poster "Dental caries in Neandertals and early modern humans in Western
Eurasia". Accepted Abstract
2013 American Association of Physical Anthropologist Meetings- Poster “Caries and other oral pathology in the Broken
Hill (Kabwe) cranium” 10.12853/POSTER.NESPOS.0035
2013 Washington University Graduate Research Symposium- Poster "Periodontal Disease and Oral Health in the Late
Pleistocene of Western Eurasia”
2011 Paleoanthropology Meetings- Poster “Dento-Alveolar Abnormalities of the Early Modern Humans from Zhirendong,
South China” 10.12853/POSTER.NESPOS.0036
2010 Paleoanthropology Meetings- Poster “Mosaic Morphology in the Mandible and Maxilla from Loiyangalani,
Southeastern Shore of Lake Turkana, Northern Kenya” 10.12853/POSTER.NESPOS.0037
Full PDF of CV is available for download

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